Last paper....

...tomorrow... =.=

ENT423 Artificial Intelligent System

One more struggle, and everything will be just fine...

Be patient Nee chan~ 加油!

(Thanks MarR!! You 加油 too!!)

Random story time:
1. Sigh.... Why on earth do they want to block all the FB games? Is it because it affects our study? Is it because the grades decline from previous years' records? Is it because too many staffs concentrating on managing their own farms and restaurants, and neglect their job? (Sorry lah if I'm wrong. As far as I concerned, Dragon was blocked a month or so ago, then library, then bloody hell hostel!)

Why why why????? I don't care lah if even Datuk NC is reading this. But you cannot do this to us!! I can assure you (who responsible for the blocking thing), although I have two farms and one cafe to handle, I'm still able to manage my study. You just CANNOT do THIS to US!!

Ok lah I might sound a little emo, but my soul is hurted. :(

2. One more file to simpan!!!!

3. One of my core subjects - Biomedical Imaging has a lot of reading and memorizing required, and the topics are very broad and vague. For us for prepared last minute, we came up with this idea of 'group studying'.

I think some of my coursemates have already began doing the same thing for semesters already, but I'm not really into the group-study thing, so it's actually my first in 25 years of life. SeRIOUSLY.

^The polisterine and papers act as whiteboard.

^Master Bedroom - the tuition hall.

And, delightfully, the group study works! :) Just hope the grade is as delightful as the group study does.

4. You're making me disappointed and frustrated again...


tino said… guai la...kua li ko bo manage li a cafe..

wa tongkim level 30++ liao lo..haha..
Huey Nee said…
jilakat betul... tapi lang pon malah ai complain tai jer, tan uni block blogspot wa teh si ho ee kua. spaces pon block. siao eh

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