Flash Flood in Kangar

It started raining since last Thursday, and my friend said she saw the so-called twister around Jejawi area that day! Here's the story

I was away last weekend, and by the time I came back to Perlis on Monday, aunty neighbor told me it's been raining non-stop for 3 solid days and reminded me to be prepared for worst case scenario, eg to move my stuffs higher etc. I thought she was just being kua zhang as she usually is and proceed my usual housework which I usually did on weekends.

This morning, I still couldn't feel anything unusual, besides the sunny day after a whole day of raining. I went to the research cluster to find only a handful of people were there and others were either trapped in the flood or their house became islands (their house is safe but there's water all around it).

It was quite a messy morning for me as the air-cond began its water-leaking routine, but this time, it just wouldn't stop at all, and soon my desk was flooded. I had to move to the other side of the cluster but still, the internet was down, so officially I was not in the mood of doing serious thing.

I went for lunch opposite my cluster, and the uncles and aunties had been asking questions like where do I live and how's the flood going on. The tire shop boss asked me to go home quickly to pack my stuff, move my car etc. Then there's conversation talking about the release of dam water from Thailand, this and that.

Something's fishy, I told myself. Thus, I hurriedly finished my lunch and off I went to my house.

Thinking about how worse it would be, I rode aunty landlord's bicycle to go to town. I have made a wise choice.

^The Kangar bus station, at 1.30pm.

^My Town Kopitiam + KFC + Muamalat road, at 1.30pm

With a camera hanging on my neck, a sling bag, 3/4 pants and T-shirt, I was all suited up like a reporter! Haha!

I bumped into WZ at the town and asked her about the chocolate and wines she kept at my place. Feeling uneasy, I went back to take my car and fetch her from the town, and for me to escape from Kangar and stay at a clean, safe place.

With just 30 minutes apart, the dry parts that you see on both pictures above, were all covered with flooded water.

I hurriedly throw part of my stuffs on the bed and table, mostly important, but I still made some stupid mistakes like leaving my certificates and stuffs on the fragile shelves instead of the higher places.

By the time we wanted to leave the place (3.15pm) to Taman Semarak, the flood worsened.

The rest of the evening was answering phone calls from aunty neighbor and aunty landlord, kept me super busy and gan jiong...

At 7pm, we went to Kangar again to take another look of how serious the flood was, and to pass the home key to one of aunty landlord's friend for him to check our place. The scene definitely didn't bring any good sign.

^How can such serious accident still happen during a flood? I don't understand lah~

Basically, the main roads leading to the town center were closed, as well as the road to my house. Sigh...

Although I was looking forward to successfully go back hometown tomorrow morning, some part of my heart doesn't want to leave. Weird~


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