Room Shifting

It's no longer a Room A-to-Room B project. This time, it's about 2 km from my 'now to call' previous rented house.

I already know that I would suffer hell lot of my stuffs, never expect it can actually be so plenty.

Since the new girl who will be renting my room has all these pantang-larang thing that insists her to move in on this very day (I find this topic quite interesting, hence the next post later), so I had to shift all my things out for her to stuck in her stuffs.

It took me three rounds, with car full loaded front and back, to shift all the belongings. Scary...

The shifting was exhausting, the cleaning and arranging was frustrating, but the outcome is overwhelming :)

Because of all these hard and busy labor work, I took a breakfast nasi dagang, then 'starved' for the next 8 hours to have a fried rice for dinner. And now, I'm hungry :(


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