Glee Season 3

Honestly, I was 'THIS' close to skip (or even delete) the whole season without watching it, because, after "Once Upon A Time" and "Person of Interest", Glee seems to be less serious and less interesting...

LUCKILY I did not do that!!! OMiGosh What was I thinking!?

Although this is seriously slowpoke (season 4 is running), I still wanna talk about it.

Season 3 is mainly about the Senior Year students, winning Nationals, and Rachel with her NYADA application thingy.

Here's what I think about season 3:
1) The guests are hot!!! Ricky Martin, Matt Bomer (OMG he can sing!!!), Whoopi Goldberg, Gloria Estefan!!
2) Hate is a strong word, but New Directions are better off without Rachel!! Everyone shines in Sectionals...
3) McTina Cohen Chang-Chang - my favourite couple!! Heard they break up in season 4 :(

One down, ten to go... Bones S07, Chaos, CSI NY S08, CSI S12, House of Lies, House S08, Sherlock, The Good Wife S03, The Mentalist S04, The Newsroow... -_____-


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